Results for 'Zeynep Celik Alexander'

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  1. Managing iteration : the modularity of the Kew Herbarium.Zeynep Celik Alexander - 2020 - In Robin Schuldenfrei (ed.), Iteration: episodes in the mediation of art and archtecture. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Kinaesthetic knowing: aesthetics, epistemology, modern design.Zeynep Çelik Alexander - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Introduction: a peculiar experiment -- Kinaesthetic knowing: the nineteenth-century biography of another kind of knowledge -- Looking: Wölfflin's comparative vision -- Affecting: Endell's mathematics of living feeling -- Drawing: the Debschitz school and formalism's subject -- Designing: discipline and introspection at the Bauhaus -- Epilogue.
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    Zeynep Çelik Alexander and John May. Design Technics: Archaeologies of Architectural Practice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020. 262 pp. [REVIEW]Cristóbal Amunátegui - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 48 (1):177-178.
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    The Remaking of Istanbul: Portrait of an Ottoman City in the Nineteenth Century.Justin McCarthy, Zeynep Çelik & Zeynep Celik - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):163.
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    Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth-Century World's Fairs.Walter B. Denny, Zeynep Çelik & Zeynep Celik - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):103.
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    Women in Middle Eastern History: Shifting Boundaries in Sex and Gender.Zeynep Çelik, Nikki R. Keddie, Beth Baron & Zeynep Celik - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):296.
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    The Place of Rule-Based and Case-Based Methods in Islamic Law in Terms of Logical Methodology.Zeynep ÇELİK - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (60):87-111.
    Almost every state has its own legal system and there is a legal system in accordance with the social norms of the state. However, although states have autonomy with their own legal systems, the legal system of each state unites under larger legal systems. From this point of view, three major legal systems can be accepted; Anglo-Saxon Legal System (English Legal System, Common Law), Continental European Legal System (Legal system of European states based on Roman law), Social Legal System on (...)
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    East Encounters West: France and the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century.Zeynep Çelik, Fatma Müge Göçek, Zeynep Celik & Fatma Muge Gocek - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):142.
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    Cities and Caliphs: On the Genesis of Arab Muslim Urbanism.Zeynep Çelik, Nezar Alsayyad & Zeynep Celik - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):124.
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    Crisis in the Built Environment: The Case of the Muslim City.Zeynep Çelik, Jamel Akbar & Zeynep Celik - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):803.
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    Men of Modest Substance: House Owners and House Property in Seventeenth-Century Ankara and Kayseri.Zeynep Çelik, Suraiya Faroqhi & Zeynep Celik - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):306.
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  12. Idle Questions.Jens Kipper, Alexander W. Kocurek & Zeynep Soysal - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy.
    In light of the problem of logical omniscience, some scholars have argued that belief is question-sensitive: agents don't simply believe propositions but rather believe answers to questions. Hoek (2022) has recently developed a version of this approach on which a belief state is a "web" of questions and answers. Here, we present several challenges to Hoek's question-sensitive account of belief. First, Hoek's account is prone to very similar logical omniscience problems as those he claims to address. Second, the link between (...)
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    The Role of Questions, Circumstances, and Algorithms in Belief.Jens Kipper, Alexander W. Kocurek & Zeynep Soysal - 2022 - In Marco Degano, Tom Roberts, Giorgio Sbardolini & Marieke Schouwstra (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 181-187.
    A recent approach to the problem of logical omniscience holds that belief is question-sensitive: what an agent believes depends on what question they try to answer (Pérez Carballo, 2016; Yalcin, 2018; Hoek, 2022). While the question-sensitive approach can avoid some logical omniscience problems, we argue that it suffers from nearby problems. First, these accounts all validate closure principles that are just as implausible as the ones it was designed to avoid. Second, question-sensitivity by itself isn’t suitable for explaining many kinds (...)
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  14. Theorizing the Politics of Protest: Contemporary Debates on Civil Disobedience.Çiğdem Çıdam, William E. Scheuerman, Candice Delmas, Erin R. Pineda, Robin Celikates & Alexander Livingston - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (3):513-546.
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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  16. Do cortical and basal ganglionic motor areas use “motor programs” to control movement?Garrett E. Alexander, Mahlon R. DeLong & Michael D. Crutcher - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):656-665.
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    Quantum Mind and Social Science: Unifying Physical and Social Ontology.Alexander Wendt - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    There is an underlying assumption in the social sciences that consciousness and social life are ultimately classical physical/material phenomena. In this ground-breaking book, Alexander Wendt challenges this assumption by proposing that consciousness is, in fact, a macroscopic quantum mechanical phenomenon. In the first half of the book, Wendt justifies the insertion of quantum theory into social scientific debates, introduces social scientists to quantum theory and the philosophical controversy about its interpretation, and then defends the quantum consciousness hypothesis against the (...)
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  18. Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power politics.Alexander Wendt - 2000 - In Andrew Linklater (ed.), International relations: critical concepts in political science. New York: Routledge. pp. 6.
  19. Metaphysica.Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten - 1963 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms.
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    Emotions: From Cases to Theories.Matteo Galletti & Ariele Niccoli - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35).
    Monographic issue on the Philosophy of Emotions. Contents: Resentment, Empathy and Indignation; Jacqueline Taylor / Compassion without Cognitivism; Charlie Kurth / “I Don’t Want Your Compassion!”. The Importance of Empathy for Morality; Manuel Camassa / Making sense of emotional contagion; Carme Isern-Mas, Antoni Gomila / On Pride; Lorenzo Greco / Envy and its objects; Alessandra Fussi / Admiration, moral knowledge and transformative experiences; Maria Silvia Vaccarezza / Fear as Related to Courage: An Aristotelian-Thomistic Redefinition of Cognitive Emotions; Claudia Navarini, Ettore (...)
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  21. (2 other versions)Antidotes all the way down?Alexander Bird - 2004 - Theoria 19 (3):259–69.
    Dispositions are related to conditionals. Typically a fragile glass will break if struck with force. But possession of the disposition does not entail the corresponding simple (subjunctive or counterfactual) conditional. The phenomena of finks and antidotes show that an object may possess the disposition without the conditional being true. Finks and antidotes may be thought of as exceptions to the straightforward relation between disposition and conditional. The existence of these phenomena are easy to demonstrate at the macro-level. But do they (...)
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  22. .Alexander Free - unknown
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  23. How not to become confused about linguistics.Alexander George - 1989 - In Noam Chomsky & Alexander George (eds.), Reflections on Chomsky. Blackwell. pp. 90--110.
  24. Psychosomatic Medicine.Franz Alexander - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (15):260-262.
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  25. Underdetermination and evidence.Alexander Bird - 2007 - In Bradley John Monton (ed.), Images of empiricism: essays on science and stances, with a reply from Bas C. van Fraassen. New York: Oxford University Press.
    I present an argument that encapsulates the view that theory is underdetermined by evidence. I show that if we accept Williamson's equation of evidence and knowledge, then this argument is question-begging. I examine ways of defenders of underdetermination may avoid this criticism. I also relate this argument and my critique to van Fraassen's constructive empiricism.
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    The Phenomenon of Life.Christopher Alexander & Center for Environmental Structure - 2002
    Contemporary architecture is increasingly grounded in science and mathematics. Architectural discourse has shifted radically from the sometimes disorienting Derridean deconstruction, to engaging scientific terms such as fractals, chaos, complexity, nonlinearity, and evolving systems. That's where the architectural action is -- at least for cutting-edge architects and thinkers -- and every practicing architect and student needs to become conversant with these terms and know what they mean. Unfortunately, the vast majority of architecture faculty are unprepared to explain them to students, not (...)
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    Dispositions and Influences.Alexander D. Carruth - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1):113-116.
    This short paper explores how issues concerning the metaphysics of powers/dispositions might bear on the view that formative influence in education involves instilling appropriate dispositions.
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  28. (1 other version)Inductive knowledge.Alexander Bird - 2010 - In Sven Bernecker & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    The first obstacle that confronts the student of induction is that of defining the subject matter. One initial point is to note that much of the relevant subject matter goes under the description ‘the theory of confirmation’. The distinction is primarily that the study of induction concerns inference, i.e. cases where one takes the conclusion to be established by the evidence, whereas confirmation concerns the weight of evidence, which one may take to be something like the credibility of a hypothesis (...)
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  29. The Basis of Realism.Samuel Alexander - 1914 - [Oxford University Press].
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    Art and instinct.Samuel Alexander - 1927 - Philadelphia: R. West.
  31. "The Structure of Appearance." By Nelson Goodman.Peter Alexander - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 ([9/12]):284.
  32. The Freedom of God and Human Liberation.Alexander J. McKelway - 1990
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    What is Orthodox Christian Medicine?Alexander Nedostup - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (4):441-448.
    The term ‘Orthodox Christian medicine’ has become so customary among believers in Russia that the concept behind it is rarely questioned. However, it is worth articulating both for the sake of the profession and for the benefit of patients whether such a phrase is at all meaningful and if so what exactly it stands for. The following analysis, based on a public lecture, draws on the personal experience and reflections of a practicing GP and cardiologist who is also the Chairman (...)
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    From the P ´ olya-szeg ¨ O symmetrization.Alexander R. Pruss - unknown
    Let Mm k be the simply connected constant curvature space form of dimension m. • Mm 0 is Rm with euclidean metric • Mm k for k > 0 is an m-sphere of radius k−1/2 • Mm k for k < 0 is m dimensional hyperbolic space modelled on the m-ball of radius (−k)−1/2.
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    Poetry and Prose in the Arts (II).S. Alexander - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (26):153 - 167.
    So far I have taken prose and poetry where admittedly they exist, in literature, and attempted to discover the difference between them by taking pieces of prose or poetry which have the same or much the same subjects and comparing them with one another. In all these pairs of passages I thought I could detect this difference: that in the poem the subject as rendered in words acquires a life of its own, is a living thing, as it were, living (...)
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    An Old French Poetic Version of the Life and Miracles of Saint Magloire.Alexander J. Denomy & J. Brückmann - 1959 - Mediaeval Studies 21 (1):53-128.
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    Rhetorik, Ritual und Repräsentation.Alexander Riehle - 2011 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 45 (1).
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  38. Towards the Assimilation of Rules to Generalizations.Alexander Rosenberg - 1976 - In William R. Shea (ed.), Basic issues in the philosophy of science. New York: Science History Publications. pp. 156.
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  39. Le sens de l'idéalisme transcendental chez F.W.J. Schelling.Alexander Schnell - 2010 - In Jean-François Courtine & Gérard Bensussan (eds.), Schelling. Paris: Les Editions du Cerf.
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    Subjectivité et transcendance dans la phénoménologie générative.Alexander Schnell - 2015 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 71 (2-3):339-354.
    Resumo Neste artigo, o autor apresenta uma ideia original de “subjectividade”, na medida em que esta se desenvolve, no contexto da recém-fundada fenomenologia transcendental, designada por “fenomenologia generativa”. Esta figura da subjectividade é caracterizada por dois aspectos fundamentais : por um lado a “vibração” ou “oscilação” entre o “eu” e o “exterior” ; uma dimensão quadrupla de “transcendência”. Palavras-chave : alteridade, imaginação, mundo, self, subjectividade, transcendênciaIn this article I would like to put forward an original figure of “subjectivity” in so (...)
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  41. Scottish philosophy in the eighteenth century.Alexander Broadie - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  42. Kuhn and the Historiography of Science.Alexander Bird - 2015 - In William J. Devlin & Alisa Bokulich (eds.), Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions - 50 Years On. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 311. Springer.
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    Arguing about science.Alexander Bird & James Ladyman (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Arguing About Science is an outstanding, engaging introduction to the essential topics in philosophy of science, edited by two leading experts in the field. This exciting and innovative anthology contains a selection of classic and contemporary readings that examine a broad range of issues, from classic problems such as scientific reasoning; causation; and scientific realism, to more recent topics such as science and race; forensic science; and the scientific status of medicine. The editors bring together some of the most influential (...)
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  44. A művészet; válogatott tanulmányok.Bernát Alexander - 1969 - Budapest,: Akadémiai Kiadó. Edited by Samu Szemere.
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    Co-evolutionary dynamics on a deformable landscape.J. McKenzie Alexander, Marc Ebner & Richard Watson - 2000 - In .
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    The problem of the world cognition in the light of being and existence dialectics.Alexander Chuprov - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:82-95.
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    Aza A. Takho-Godi’s contribution to the history of ideas and concepts.Alexander L. Dobrokhotov - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (1):1-8.
    The investigations of Aza A. Takho-Godi, devoted to the evolution of concepts and terms in European culture, were ahead of their time and, as it turns out today, paved the way for historical semantics, which turned out to be a kind of independent version of the “history of concepts”: a direction of humanitarian thought aimed at identifying cultural, social, and political functions concepts in their historical dynamics and in relation to a wide field of cultural interactions of a particular era. (...)
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    3. Bildrhetoriken der Neuzeit.Alexander Linke - 2016 - In Francesca Vidal & Arne Scheuermann (eds.), Handbuch Medienrhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 45-64.
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    “Limitless” and “Limit” in Xenophanes’ Cosmology and in His Doctrine of Epistemic “Construction”.Alexander P. D. Mourelatos - 2016 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 19 (1):16-37.
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    A Passion for Philosophy: Robert Solomon on Emotion, Reason and the Place of Philosophical Thought.Alexander Nehamas - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (7):741-743.
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